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This shows an image of the waterfron of the Historic Ancient Town of Hoi An, Vietnam- a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as designed in 3D by the elite artists at Glenda Studio - a 3D game art outsourcing firm specializing in world building, level design, buildings, race tracks and environments for AAA games worldwide


A sample of our skill creating detailed buildings and environments

Let Us Rock Your World

Complete World Building Teams

3D Building Artists

The wonderfully talented 3D designers at Glenda Studio can create any theme to suit the clients needs and follow complete technical information to deliver a model in a timely fashion.

With  over 45 building artists and a team of  technical artists able to pull everything together in Unreal Engine 5 we are able to build the worlds needed for both web 3.0 and traditional gaming consoles. 

This shows part of an Apocalypse Outpost as part of a 3D project created in 3D by the elite artists of Glenda Studio - a 3D art outsourcing firm located in Vietnam, specializing in high quality game art of buildings, environments, level design, map design and world building for AAA games worldwide
A image from the 3D scene of the historic Old Town waterfront of Hoi An, Vietnamcr-A UNESCO World heritage site. This was created by the elite 3D environment artists at Glenda Studio, Vietnam-a 3D art outsourcing firm specializing in buildings, scenic props, environments, world building and level design
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